Where Did You Get That Recipe?

Where Did You Get That Recipe?

Hunting for Cookbooks
Sat 24 Aug 3:45 PM

Mount Sturgeon Woolshed
General Admission
60 Mins
Sat 24 Aug

Chair:            Jason Steger
Panellists:    Natalie Paull, Tim White

Rare and unusual cookbooks are worth hunting for, as food history, social history, Australian history, indigenous history, and migrant history, are all important to categorise and record. Many of our 19th and 20th Century cooks kept written records of their recipes and shared them with friends and family. These manuscript cookbooks were quite common, especially in farming communities in the Western District, and helped to create social cohesion.

This session is included in the Gold Festival Pass, Silver Festival Pass and the Saturday Afternoon Pass.  This  session is not able to be purchased as a single session.
Sat 24 Aug

Mount Sturgeon Woolshed

via Dunkeld-Cavendish Road Dunkeld, 3294